Our Business Approach
We understand that our core business is to help our clients get value from investing in ICT, so they can be more successful in their business.
We realize that our clients do not look at ICT as merely necessary expenditure and in our approach to providing solutions we work with clients to foster close long-term relationships – rather than expecting one-off deal.
When the client needs exceed our capabilities, we know how to identify, motivate and partner with high quality complementary principals.
We and our partners support multiple technologies and products. This enables us to assemble and support the right customer/problem centred solutions, rather than just selling what we have.
Our approach towards our customers encompasses our values:
- Service to customers
- Trust
- Teamwork
- Quality & operational efficiency
- Focused
- Creative & innovative
- Respect for the individual
Our Strengths
A unique depth of experience and breadth of skills
- Combined technical experience of over 2,000+ man-years
- Strong academic qualifications and industry certifications
- Professionals in systems consultancy, analysis and design – including needs and cost-benefit analysis, and solution mapping; data base design, implementation and administration; and project management and execution methodology and implementation Industry specific knowledge and experience in manufacturing, distribution, telecom banking and government.
- Technical expertise in operating systems, database and applications software
- Field experience in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions
- Heavily involved with Internet-based technology and collaboration solutions such as messaging, workflow, document management, and vertical and horizontal web portal design
- Consultancy in IT strategy, change management, IT functional audit and performance management